I’m at another business talk, networking event, organized gathering of disconnected connection. I watch people. Moving torsos with arms and legs and bobbing heads that tilt and move to the one in front of them. I don’t like these for the reason they’re meant for so I make my own reason. I watch people. When someone is speaking I watch the other respond. Make guesses to their intentions, bets on the silent thoughts behind voiced stories. Stories they tell the others and stories they tell themselves, I watch to intuit the truth that the intuitee hasn’t even yet discovered. It tests my eye, my intuition. Something I’ve crafted for years, something I’m proud of. The ability to watch and conclude. To gauge the depth, understand the hidden contents of a Human by watching their bobbing moving outlines. It’s not in their words, those often are a distraction, a painted wall they unconsciously or consciously use to cover reality, cover deepest intentions. Most people don’t know their deepest intentions. They converse with a colleague, speak at networking events, bob heads through business talks from a script the world tells them fits, script written for the identity box they set themselves in or parents set them in or teachers set them in. I’m a Lawyer, I’m a Writer, I’m an Engineer, I’m an Investor, I’m an Entrepreneur. These are identity words that come with strings of tied related words that weigh identity down, keep it where it is and steer it where to go. That’s what I see here, at this event. A sea of weighted down identities and bobbing heads, rigid unflowing words to fit. I watch to find the opposite. Look for my favorite kind of Human, one that operates from blankness. From a white empty wall-less mind that’s strange and unique and misunderstood because what we understand is what already exists. I look for Humans that speak and move not from a foundation of what already exists but what can exist.