
Longevity Building Block #1: Sleep

F R A M E W O R K (the what)

  • 8-9 hours of sleep per night

  • 20-25% in REM, 15-20% in NREM stage IV sleep

  • Increase sleep efficiency, i.e. time spent asleep after going to bed

  • Reduce restlessness, i.e. movement in sleep, tossing and turning

  • Reduce sleep onset latency (SOL) to 15-20 minutes

  • Maintain a Resting High Rate (RHR) below your daily average

  • Maintain a high Heart Rate Variability (HRV) above your daily average

  • Keep a cool core body temperature

  • Follow your body’s natural chronotype and circadian rhythm

  • Train an association between your bed and sleep

M Y R E C I P E (the how)

  • Track sleep health and progress with the Oura ring, calibrate behavior based on what improves or worsens sleep score

  • Maintain regular, consistent sleep and waking times aligned with your chronotype. For most, this follows the sun and the ideal sleep midpoint will fall between midnight and 3 am.

  • No caffeine for 14 hours before bed

  • No eating 3-4 hours before bed

  • Dim lighting and candles, no bright lights, for 1 hr before sleep

  • Minimize blue light from laptop, phones, and other devices (blue light glasses)

  • Blackout shades drawn on windows or use an ergonomic sleep mask

  • Read or write in a dim room for 30 minutes before getting into bed to sleep

  • Do not watch TV or work in bed

  • Memory foam mattress and pillow

  • King-sized bed if you sleep with a partner

  • Avoid hypnotics (e.g. Ambien, Lunesta), only use as a last resort

  • Take magnesium on nights you’re wired and having trouble winding down

  • Take melatonin only when needed to moderate a suboptimal circadian rhythm, e.g. during traveling and jet lag, if you’re over 50 yrs old, or when exposed to bright light before bed. Start with 0.5 mg and increase as needed, do not exceed 3 mg.

  • Only purchase tested melatonin supplements to avoid filler ingredients and expired/poorly stored products associated with the non FDA-approved supplement industry. Use to find tested products (here’s one: Swanson)

  • Sauna or hot shower/bath before bed, this moves blood flow and heat from core to extremities.

  • Cooling sheets

  • Cooling pad

  • Keep room temperature to 65-68 degrees

  • Upon waking, immediately get into sunlight by windows or go outside

R E S E A R C H (the why)

Up next:

Longevity Building Block #2: Nutrition