Sat Nam loves and happy August, here’s what’s alive in me this month.
Tomorrow begins my favorite time of year, Burning Man. A week in the desert with my love, my tribe, my music, medicine, and freedom. A week for radical self-expression and embodiment. For movement and play and dance on the world’s biggest adult playground. A remembrance of both my raw, primal human and my liberated, unified spirit. All ignited and cleansed within the harsh elements of the Nevada desert.
This month has been one for rising into my divine feminine, purging and shedding wounded maiden energies and patterns, and learning and communicating my pleasure, my desires, and my boundaries.
A month for deepening my conviction and commitment to follow my own inner truth and bliss above all else, fearlessly and unapologetically.
This is what ‘s come through to inspire and support that process,
What I’m Reading
Maiden to Mother Sarah Durham Wilson
Mirrors in the Earth Asia Suler
Polysecure Jessica Fern
What I’m Watching
Astrocartography - Live and travel where you’re meant to
Full Supermoon in Pisces
What I’m Contemplating
A woman embodying the Divine Mother is unconditionally loving, compassionate, wise, intuitive, infinitely creative, strong, sensual, serene, capable, fierce, gentle, reliable, a lover, and a queen. A woman stuck in her wounded Maiden can only try to survive in the waves; in calling on the Mother, we become the ocean. The woman with an inner Mother braces herself. She closes her eyes. She breathes. She returns to the throne, the place of internal power. She roots down to the Mother Well, where all is deeply well. She asks for the strength and wisdom and power of the Great Mother Goddess. She doesn’t react. She waits for the answer, and then she responds. She pulls up the faith inside of her like buried treasure from the Earth. She symbolizes the middle of life, the afternoon, the summer solstice, the full moon, and the flower in glorious bloom. As the Mother, as the woman at midlife who midwifed her own rebirth and has unlearned all she’s been taught, I learned to tend to my inner cries, so I can tend to the outer cries of the burning world. Life happened to you in Maiden. But life happens through you in Mother. Sarah Durhan Wilson
Orgasms to move stagnant energy. Orgasms to manifest your dreams. Orgasms to reconnect with your body and center. Orgasms as a spiritual practice. ISTA
The day came when the risk of remaining tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Elizabeth Appell
Do not force your children into your ways, for they were created for a time different from your own. Pluto
A gem could not be perfected without friction, nor a man without trials. Seneca
The sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd. African Proverb
Look for the answer inside your question. Rumi
Like our stomachs, our minds are hurt more often by overeating than by hunger. Petrarch
You stop explaining yourself when you realize people only understand from their level of perception. Jim Carrey
Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place. Rumi
You asked for wisdom, you were given problems to solve.
I felt in need of a pilgrimage, so I sat still for three days. Hafez
Bring anger and pride under your feet, turn them into a ladder and climb higher. Rumi
The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. Henry David Thoreau
Now is the time to know that all you do is sacred. Now is the time for you to deeply compute the impossibility that there is anything but grace. Hafez
What I’m Listening To
What I’m Using
Silk and linen kimonos
Chinese medicine herbs and acupuncture