What I'm Loving: August

Sat Nam loves and happy August, here’s what’s alive in me this month.

Tomorrow begins my favorite time of year, Burning Man. A week in the desert with my love, my tribe, my music, medicine, and freedom. A week for radical self-expression and embodiment. For movement and play and dance on the world’s biggest adult playground. A remembrance of both my raw, primal human and my liberated, unified spirit. All ignited and cleansed within the harsh elements of the Nevada desert.

This month has been one for rising into my divine feminine, purging and shedding wounded maiden energies and patterns, and learning and communicating my pleasure, my desires, and my boundaries.

A month for deepening my conviction and commitment to follow my own inner truth and bliss above all else, fearlessly and unapologetically.

This is what ‘s come through to inspire and support that process,

What I’m Reading

Maiden to Mother Sarah Durham Wilson

Mirrors in the Earth Asia Suler

Polysecure Jessica Fern

What I’m Watching

Astrocartography - Live and travel where you’re meant to
Full Supermoon in Pisces


What I’m Contemplating

A woman embodying the Divine Mother is unconditionally loving, compassionate, wise, intuitive, infinitely creative, strong, sensual, serene, capable, fierce, gentle, reliable, a lover, and a queen. A woman stuck in her wounded Maiden can only try to survive in the waves; in calling on the Mother, we become the ocean. The woman with an inner Mother braces herself. She closes her eyes. She breathes. She returns to the throne, the place of internal power. She roots down to the Mother Well, where all is deeply well. She asks for the strength and wisdom and power of the Great Mother Goddess. She doesn’t react. She waits for the answer, and then she responds. She pulls up the faith inside of her like buried treasure from the Earth. She symbolizes the middle of life, the afternoon, the summer solstice, the full moon, and the flower in glorious bloom. As the Mother, as the woman at midlife who midwifed her own rebirth and has unlearned all she’s been taught, I learned to tend to my inner cries, so I can tend to the outer cries of the burning world. Life happened to you in Maiden. But life happens through you in Mother. Sarah Durhan Wilson

Orgasms to move stagnant energy. Orgasms to manifest your dreams. Orgasms to reconnect with your body and center. Orgasms as a spiritual practice. ISTA

The day came when the risk of remaining tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Elizabeth Appell

Do not force your children into your ways, for they were created for a time different from your own. Pluto

A gem could not be perfected without friction, nor a man without trials. Seneca

The sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf, only to be eaten by the shepherd. African Proverb

Look for the answer inside your question. Rumi

Like our stomachs, our minds are hurt more often by overeating than by hunger. Petrarch

You stop explaining yourself when you realize people only understand from their level of perception. Jim Carrey

Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place. Rumi

You asked for wisdom, you were given problems to solve.

I felt in need of a pilgrimage, so I sat still for three days. Hafez

Bring anger and pride under your feet, turn them into a ladder and climb higher. Rumi

The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. Henry David Thoreau

Now is the time to know that all you do is sacred. Now is the time for you to deeply compute the impossibility that there is anything but grace. Hafez

What I’m Listening To

Burn ‘23 playlist 🔥

What I’m Using

RBDSM communication practice

One Golden Thread duster

Le Labo candles and lotion

Sesame body oil

Time Passages astrology app

Silk and linen kimonos

Chinese medicine herbs and acupuncture

What I'm Loving: July

Happy summer dear ones. And what a potent one it’s been. Back to big astrology this month after a calm, joyous June. The joy is still here I feel, but with it is a deep digging up energy for change, transformation, death and rebirth. With retrograde Pluto squaring the sun and the nodes in the last degrees of Capricorn making a cardinal grand cross, Cancer new moon in its own sign, 3rd of 4 in a row supermoons, Venus retrograde, and ingressing into fiery lion Leo season, I’m feeling the activations of it all inward and outward.

A change from the intensity of March-May I’m feeling is a renewed strength and steadiness, like a more rooted and thick pillar, deeper in the sand, standing unwavering as the waves crash by. Seeing over them to the higher reason for it all—the evolution, growth, and renewal being manifested from the breakdowns.

A big change in my own life is likely a contributor to that empowered feeling. That is, a new love. A partnership that’s brought with it a life, self, and earth-shaking love and along with it, a realization and shedding of old selves, a new awareness of my commitment fears, attachment styles, and other trauma patterns, at last allowing their full facing and release, and a rising to a stronger, more feminine, real, whole and alive expression of self.

From the vantage point of my spirit, I’ve been fascinated to step into a chapter of awakening in partnership, versus in solitude, which has been much of my work until now—to see how different it is, yet how possible and perhaps more empowering it is.

From the vantage point of my human, I’m so in awe and gratitude to experience the love I’ve known existed and longed for but had yet to feel. It’s an attribute to the work I’ve done solo—going into the depths, the darkness and the shadows, alone, is what ultimately brought me to find the wholeness that already exists within, and embody the energy that mirrors a love like this. ‘We attract not what we want, but what we are.’

So here’s what’s been attracted in from this majestic state of being this month,

What I’m Reading

The Secret Teachings of All Ages Manly Hall The Bible of esoteric teachings from the ancients. A history and encyclopedia of occultism, mysticism, the pyramids, tarot, astrology, mystery schools, sacred geometry, numerology, alchemy, and more.

How to Co-Create Using the Secret Language of the Universe Pam Gregory My favorite Western astrology teacher on the history of astrology and specifically the nodal axis, what yours is in your natal chart and what it tells you about your life purpose and cosmic destiny.

What I’m Watching

On Relationships Ram Dass one of Ram’s wonderful long talks, with a focus on relationships. He speaks about the ‘yoga of relationship’ and how it’s one of if not the most challenging yoga/paths to awakening—finding the One through shared awareness with another being. He speaks to the journey of sacred union that only comes through the death of the ego, while not losing connection to your own soul’s truth.

Don’t Take Life Too Seriously Alan Watts A classic Watts perspective on the universe as a great grand game that we’re all playing as emanations of the one consciousness. Do things for the sake of doing it, not to get somewhere else, as if playing music or dancing. His philosophies bring for me a lightness amidst the depth of this work.

Nodal axis shift to Aries and Libra Last Tuesday, a cosmic shift happened that initiated a new 18-month cycle. The nodal axis, which represents our dharma and destiny in this life and past lives, shifted to the cardinal signs Aries and Libra. This begins a cycle focused on independence, action towards life purpose, self-empowerment, and relationship karma clearing.

Awareness without thought Eckhart Tolle

Transcending conditioned thinking Eckhart Tolle

What I’m Contemplating

Wanting to reform the world without discovering one’s true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes. - Ramana Maharshi

The far-out thing is that to be fully alive, the heart breaks again and again and again. And yet behind it all, here we are. Because the quality of love embraces suffering, it doesn’t exclude suffering. - Ram Dass

A being defined is a being confined - Ram Dass

We have enough for our needs but not for our greed - Gandhi

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. - Albert Camus

The world will ask you who you are, and if you do not know, the world will tell you. - Carl Jung

I attract not what I want, but what I am.

I would rather be free and in love than be right. - Ram Dass

A feeling of aversion or attachment to something is your clue that there’s work to be done. - Ram Dass

Start seeing God in everything, then keep it a secret. - Hafiz

Fall in love with someone who doesn’t make you think love is hard.

I have never in my life felt so calm, and yet on fire, all at the same time, knowing deep in my bones, he is who I’ve waited for all my life - Vera Valentine

Love is not an emotion, it is your very existence. - Rumi

What I’m Listening To

Love and energy

Chakra progression

The sounds of Brooklyn

What I’m Using


Roses and lilies

Turkish Cotton

Ayurveda recipes

L’Occitane Rose lotion