What I'm Loving: April

Hello friends,

This has been a potent and beautiful month of deepening my anchor in presence, love, and peace amidst waves and waves of outer change. A theme in support of this has been learning more about quantum physics and the weaving of science and spirituality through the medical doctor Deepak Chopra, the physicist Luthar Schafer, and Greek philosophers who studied under the Ancient Egyptian mystery schools and hermetic teachings. Our reality begins from within, our state of consciousness is the seed from which our lives grow. This is the most fundamental and empowering perspective to live by, and it is what all spiritual teachings are based upon. Here are the gems I’ve been taking in during this time,

What I’m Reading

Infinite Potential Luthar Schafer’s book with Deepak Chopra on the newest understandings of quantum physics and its refuting of the materialist views of reality that we’ve all been taught to see the world through, Darwin’s evolutionary theory and Newtonian physics.

Metahuman A less dense and more applicable depiction of Infinite Potential’s content

Parmenides The first ancient Greek philosopher to introduce the concepts of timelessness and formlessness, the basis for quantum theories of reality discovered over 2000 years later.

Beqoming Lately the books and content that have been coming in are feeling so aligned and timely…this one felt like reading about my own journey, from another’s lens. A beautiful story of a couple finding sacred union while also seeking and living their sovereign truths.

What I’m Watching

Pam Gregory on last week's solar eclipse Aries energy coming in full force

What is consciousness? If you don’t want to read the above books, this is a wonderful conversation about the same concepts.

Science and consciousness The video from which I discovered Luthar Schafer, through my go-to soul guide, Eckhart Tolle

How to know God? By knowing yourself Deepak Chopra

What I’m Contemplating

Time—there is no becoming, no decaying, no past, no future. What our senses show us is illusion and deception. What our senses simulate, namely a continually changeable flow of figures, continually changing events, is a delusion. Nothing becomes old and nothing becomes new; nothing is taken away and nothing is added. Being is an unassailable perfectly rounded sphere. - Parmenides

People can only meet you as deeply as they’ve met themselves.

What are you willing to risk for full aliveness? You are a living, breathing, biological miracle. You didn’t come here to be ‘fine’. You came to live fiercely and unapologetically. You came here to embody the magnificent radiance of your truest truth and follow it without hesitation. - Beqoming

Life will give you the same exam over and over again until you pass it. - Wayne Dryer

Fear is excitement without the breath. - Robert Heller

Bliss is any feeling fully felt. - Joseph Campbell

What we call knowledge refers to frozen, accumulated memory. KNOWING, on the other hand, is a dynamic process; it is living wisdom, not dead information. - Sadhguru

Solitude is in the mind of a man. One might be in the thick of the world and yet maintain perfect serenity of mind: Such a person is always in solitude. Another may stay in the forest but still be unable to control his mind. He cannot be said to be in solitude. Solitude is an attitude of the mind; a man attached to things of life cannot get solitude, wherever he may be. A detached man is always in solitude. - Ramana Maharshi

Everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come. - Haruki Murakami

What I’m Listening To

Purity Soundbath

Duduk music

Root chakra drum meditation music

Mezcla 39

What I’m Using

Rumi Oracle tarot deck

Ergonomic sleep mask

Natural crystal pleasure wands

What I'm Loving: March

Phew. Big month for change and new beginnings. Stay steady and grounded by stepping barefoot on the earth this week🧘

What I’m Reading

A Course In Miracles A channeled spiritual classic. It’s not for everyone, as it uses words heavy with religious history, but the essence is profound if you can see the truth it points to. When I first came to this book years ago, I felt resistance and aversion because of my experience with religion. That shifted when I saw past my own hang-ups and read the words for what they’re meant to be, as all religious texts are meant to be—simply pointers. “All terms are potentially controversial, and those who seek controversy will find it. Yet those who seek clarification will find it as well. They must, however, be willing to overlook controversy, recognizing that it is a defense against truth in the form of a delaying maneuver.”

I Am That By Maharaj This sits next to my altar and I open it randomly to read a passage every morning.

What I’m Watching

Astrologer Pam Gregory’s videos, very clarifying in this month of generational cosmic shifts, and I love the heart and passion she brings with her wisdom.

Radical Optimism by Patricia Albere Recommended by a friend of mine on this path (thank you, Robert!), a summary of Patricia’s decades-long work and unique take on the awakening path that hit somewhere new within me.

The Big Short My first time seeing this! Great movie, insane story. It felt timely as the cycle that came with this financial crisis is shifting this week.

What I’m Contemplating

“I am a teacher and spiritual practitioner, but above all, I consider myself an artist. My medium is consciousness and the life force, as it manifests through me and through the people with whom I have the privilege of working.” Patricia Albere

“If the path before you is clear, you’re probably on someone else’s.” Carl Jung

“A man willing to die for the truth will get it” Maharaj

“The purpose of time is to enable you to learn how to use time constructively. It is thus a teaching device and a means to an end. Time will cease when it is no longer useful in facilitating learning.” A Course In Miracles

“If you feel like everything’s about to change, that’s because it is.” Virginia Rosenberg, astrologer

What I’m Listening To

Silence, the birds, the rain

What I’m Using


Rishi Tea

Rose essential oil - The energy/source behind the things I use is getting increasingly important. I got mine from a sweet woman at a little farmer’s market in Costa Rica. I’m sure Etsy has some lovely homemade, natural options.

AquaBliss shower filter