What I'm Loving: January 2023

Happy new year, beautiful souls! Here’s what’s alive in my world right now.

What I’m Reading

The Wisdom Wheel

Gnostic Gospels

Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom (Tarot Guide)

What I’m Watching

Mongolian Nomads I’ve been diving into the history and current state of indigenous, tribalist, and nomadic cultures, feeling the call and nostalgia for the way humans are designed to live.

Elon Musk and Ron Baron interview My forever inspiration. Yes, he has his quirks (which I also appreciate as his authentic humanity), but I know of no one more fervently driven to a mission for the sake of its impact over its profit, and with the brilliance and resilience to actualize it in form reality at his breadth and speed.

Deepak Chopra Your external abundance is directly connected to your internal sense of Self.

Jordan Peterson’s analysis of Pinnochio A fascinating look at a simple cartoon and how it reflects the mythic human journey and the collective unconscious.

Bobbi Jene Beautiful and poetic movie about a woman leaving comfort for the unknown in search of her truth and creative path as a dancer.

What I’m Contemplating

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” Jesus Christ

“Abandon the search for God and the creation and other matters of a similar sort. Look for him by taking yourself as the starting point. Learn who it is within you who makes everything his own and says, “My God, my mind, my thought, my soul, my body.” Learn the sources of sorrow, joy, love, hate … If you carefully investigate these matters you will find him in yourself.” Gnostic disciple, Monoimus

“I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and in thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.” Tao Te Ching

What I’m Listening To

Ahmed Spins

Shaman’s Dream

Medicine Music

What I’m Using

Thoth Tarot Cards

Steel Tongue Drum

Mighty Leaf Matcha

What I'm loving: October 2022

Hello my beloved subscribers,

I’m often asked what I’m consuming that guides me along this path. I’ll start sharing that here periodically ❤️:

What I’m Reading

Reality Transurfing 2

Conscious Loving

Healing Collective Trauma

What I’m Watching

Thich Nhat Hanh’s biography: I’m in awe of this man’s life and what he did for the peace of our world amidst the suffering and turmoil in his country during the Vietnam war.

Embracing our humanity, Ram Dass lecture: How do we embrace the spiritual while living our human duty? How do we both transcend this reality, and stay grounded in it?

Life Beyond: Chapter 1: few things are more calming for me than the reminder of how small we are in this vast universe. When I feel overwhelm, I watch things like this or simply look up at our sky.

Virtual forest bathing: love having this in the background when I read and write.

House of Dragons: the dragon made a symbolic visit during my solo Aya journey earlier this year, this show is feeling auspiciously resonant.

What I’m Contemplating

Suffering and happiness inter-are. Like left and right, or hot and cold. Identical in nature, differing in degree. The lotus must grow from the mud. - Thich Nhat Hanh

My freedom was going to lie in the creative tension to simultaneously see the perfection in all that is, and also experience the pain. To see that there’s nothing to do, yet work as hard as I could to relieve suffering. To see it was all a dream, and still live within the reality. In order to do this, I needed to learn the fullness of the human heart. - Ram Dass

The game is not to get high, the game is to be free. And being free includes living the highs and lows until you’re no more attached to your high than you are to your low. There it all is, the whole panorama of Maya. There’s a terrible habit of getting holy too fast. Intellectually we know what holy is, and we do it from outside in. You can’t do this game from outside in, your inner voice is going to keep being horrified by your hypocrisy. When you’re afraid of triggers and emotions, you push them away, and so they keep clinging. Instead, be bored or sad or angry fully, then it goes away. The holy is unknowable, unseeable, only be-able. - Ram Dass

What I’m Listening To

For dance

For stillness

For activation

What I’m Using

Banyan Botanicals ayurvedic natural supplements

Keap Candles: sustainable and long-lasting candles with wonderful natural scents

Alive Water: fresh spring water delivered biweekly

And in other news —

A few spots have opened for my 3-month one-on-one coaching program for entrepreneurs in the SF bay area and LA. If you or someone you know is an impact-driven changemaker seeking to connect with your higher self through medicine and personalized guidance, send me a note here: https://www.koriharrison.com/awa 🤍🙏✨