Seek out the Struggle

If you want to see progress from your training, particularly in the form of increased muscle strength, it comes down to one thing - pushing yourself past your comfort level.

If you're not reaching a point where you are struggling to lift that last rep or run that extra 100 yards or hold that pose for a final few seconds, then your body won't change. It has no reason to if its working within its capacity. You have to overload it, do something that shocks the system. If you're not giving your muscles more stress than they are currently built for, they have no reason to change. Our bodies change only when they need to, i.e. when they're exposed to a stress that they must adapt to.

My absolute favorite quote I live my life by - "Sacrifice what you are for what you want to become". Seek out the struggle, you'll thank yourself for it later.

Sprinkles of Lion

I think sprinkling your day with little motivating tidbits is a valuable strategy for implementing a positive growth mindset. The little things truly are the big things in this context because our daily interactions accumulate to encompass our thoughts, and therefore our behavior. By motivating tidbits, I mean things that you interface with repeatedly throughout the day that can provide a spark of motivation when you aren't looking for it and aren't expecting it. Thereby, consistently building and strengthening the brain's connections associated with motivating objects, words, and/or phrases. 

First example - passwords:

My work computer requires a password in 4 locations, 1 for each environment our application is deployed to. I have to type it upwards of 50 times a day. For security reasons, I have to change it every 60 days. So in the past year, I decided to start setting the password as a word or phrase associated with a goal I'm looking to fulfill for myself within those 60 days. After the 60 days, ideally I'll have met the goal and will change my password to my next objective. Each time I type the password in those 60 days, a connection sparks in my mind. And the compounding affect of those sparks consciously or subconsciously directs my actions towards the goal. It's along the lines with hypnotism, but it's self imposed, voluntary, and simple to implement. It's something we do every day all day anyway, why not give it the chance to do something useful? Some examples I've had are - focus18, thinkBig18, hawaii18, breathe18, explore18.

Second example - lock screen:

I look at my phone an obscene amount throughout the day, each time coming face to face with the lock screen before opening it with touch ID. Another example of frequent and nearly unconscious face time - a prime opportunity to leverage the human minds' controllability. So I have a photo of a badass lion as my lock screen background. It lights a little fire in me every time I see it. Granted, it had a stronger effect when I first changed it but it still causes my mind to make the connection to the associations I have towards the animal, which are drive, power, and strength.